How to Contribute

You can contribute to the Information System on Plant-Pollinator Interactions (IS-PPI) by sharing your plant-pollinator interactions dataset.

Share Data

Follow the steps below to prepare and share your data:

  • Get a copy of the standardized template worksheet here
  • Fill the worksheet with your data following the column definitions. It is not necessary to fill in all columns. Only fill in those for which you have data.
  • Fill the metadata in the spreadsheet.
  • Copy the URL (link) of your spreadsheet and submit it for review to
  • If we find any problems with your data, we will contact you to arrange corrections.
  • When the dataset is ready it will be published in this data portal.
  • You can set an embargo on your dataset. Just make it explicit when submitting the spreadsheet URL, specifying the date the dataset should be made public.
